Getting Started


No. 4

Invite your team and clients

Easily collaborate with other members of your team and centralize your conversations with clients in one place online

Dark green background with a LeaseUp project showing the Project Team modal.

LeaseUp projects are the perfect place to centralize everything related to a deal. To invite team members and clients to a project, click the team icon at the top of the project navigation.

To add a coworker, select ‘Add Team Member’, then ‘Add Broker’, and type in the email address of the team member you want to add to the project. If they don't have an account, they’ll be able to create one via a magic link in the invitation email.

Brokers can have one of two roles: editors, who have full edit access to the project, and can add, edit, and remove surveys and buildings; or viewers, with read-only access.

To add a client, select ‘Add Team Member’, then ‘Add Client’ and type in the client’s email. If you want, you can notify them via email and include a custom message. Once they’re in, you can give a client the role of Client Lead, which lets them invite additional members of the client team.

Next, let's learn how to create a customized PDF using your survey data.