

April 30, 2024


3 Min.

3 tips for making a tour book clients will love

A well-designed commercial real estate tour book helps tenants decide on properties faster

Light green background with three vertically stacked rectangular boxes containing text. The boxes read, in order from top to bottom: "Provide clear and concise data"; "Improve visual presentation, customization, and branding"; "Streamline the collaboration and feedback process".
Light green background with three vertically stacked rectangular boxes containing text. The boxes read, in order from top to bottom: "Provide clear and concise data"; "Improve visual presentation, customization, and branding"; "Streamline the collaboration and feedback process".
Article summary: Three tips for creating impactful commercial real estate tour books: provide clear and concise data to streamline client decision-making, enhance visual presentation and branding to capture attention and convey professionalism, and streamline the collaboration and feedback process using digital tools. These strategies help tenant rep teams create tour books that impress clients and facilitate quicker property decisions.

As a relationship-based business, first impressions are crucial in commercial real estate. This goes for the first impression that a brokerage makes on a potential client, as well as the overall experience a tenant has when working with you.

A well-crafted tour book not only impresses prospects, but also provides them with valuable insights that can influence and expedite their decision-making process.

Here are three tips to help tenant rep teams create impactful tour books.

Tip 1: Provide clear and concise data

Effective storytelling helps clients envision themselves in a space. Craft compelling property descriptions that highlight the property benefits and selling points. Whether it's a vibrant neighborhood or state-of-the-art amenities, create a detailed picture that will resonate with clients.

Provide essential information without overwhelming. Clear and concise building and comparison pages, lists of key features, and clear maps make a difference. Including this level of detail will speed up client decision making and help  streamline the list of properties to tour.

LeaseUp lets brokerage teams work flexibly with their data, with easy CSV import and full control over custom fields to clean up and store your proprietary, fact-checked data. Learn more.

Tip 2: Improve visual presentation, customization, and branding

Good visuals are key to capturing clients' attention and conveying the selling points of each property. High-quality photos, clear layouts, and consistent use of your company’s brand will grab attention and convey professionalism.

Alongside building/space data tables and custom property descriptions, include ample building and space photos and floor plans that showcase properties in their best light. Add your firm’s logo, color, and fonts to ensure a consistent and professional look to the tour book.

LeaseUp offers customizable templates and branding options, allowing tenant rep teams to tailor tour books to match existing brand guidelines. Learn more about LeaseUp PDFs.

Tip 3: Streamline the collaboration and feedback process

Collaboration is central to the tour book creation process. Cloud-based solutions to working with team members and clients will help speed up the back-and-forth. If you’re still creating tour books manually, make sure you have a clearly defined way for clients to give feedback when providing them with a physical copy of the tour book.

If your clients prefer a digital version, you can export a PDF or link to a digital tour book using a CRE deal platform like LeaseUp. Digital tour books are easier to update and can fit more photos and information than a printed tour book. Clients can also use the digital version to capture notes and photos while on the tour.

Leverage CRE tech to design commercial real estate tour books

LeaseUp’s CRE platform adds a layer of efficiency on top of the way most brokerages are already creating tour books. Collaborate with team members when converting survey data into a tour book, and with clients in real time on the tour, who can register feedback directly in the digital tour book. Automatically generate fully customizable PDF tour books that are up to your brand standards whenever you need a physical version or a file to send to a client.

Try LeaseUp for free to get started building tour books clients love.