Customer Stories


July 28, 2022


3 Min.

Corbin Shoquist creates polished client deliverables using LeaseUp

“When we were first exposed to LeaseUp it just seemed more efficient, more intuitive”

Light green background with two speech bubbles facing each other, the left says "Customer Stories" with the LeaseUp logo, and the right says "Corbin Shoquist, Senior Associate, Site Selection Group."
Light green background with two speech bubbles facing each other, the left says "Customer Stories" with the LeaseUp logo, and the right says "Corbin Shoquist, Senior Associate, Site Selection Group."
Article summary: Corbin Shoquist at Site Selection Group shares how LeaseUp revolutionized his workflow. With LeaseUp, Corbin creates better-looking, more informative surveys, saving days in the feedback collection process. Clients appreciate the modern experience LeaseUp provides, streamlining decision-making and expediting deals.

Before adopting LeaseUp as a broker, Corbin Shoquist, Senior Associate at Site Selection Group in Dallas, first experienced LeaseUp as a client. He worked on a deal with Chad Jewel at Austin Office Space, who sent him a survey via LeaseUp. Corbin and his team got more information and more photos in one place than they were used to seeing in typical surveys. LeaseUp gave them more capability to make a quicker decision.

In his own practice, Corbin had been making surveys in Excel and then making a PDF with links to brochures and floor plans in Dropbox or OneDrive. LeaseUp was a game-changer. "It was overall just more enjoyable to use than having to flip back and forth between multiple documents and figure out which one was up to date. LeaseUp just consolidated it all."

Better-looking, more informative surveys

LeaseUp consolidates far more photos, floor plans, and data than the Excel side-by-side comparisons Corbin used before. He loves the capability to upload CSV files, and as many building photos, space photos, and floor plans as he needs. "You're able to compile and put together a lot more information than you would be able to in the old Excel template to PDF," he says.

Corbin says his team was at a disadvantage in terms of being able to convey a real feel for a building to their clients in the old side-by-side comparisons, which allowed for only a few thumbnail images. "Clients want to look at pictures, not read a bunch of text."

Saves days (if not weeks) collecting client feedback

Simple things like scheduling a call with a key decision-maker on the client’s end can add a week or more to the transaction process. "The people that we're dealing with, C-suite executives, it's not their full-time job to look for real estate. Whenever time allows for them to review a survey, you keep the ball rolling while it's hot."

LeaseUp allows Corbin to send his clients a link that’s ready to go whenever the key decision-makers have time to review. It contains all the information they need, in one place, whenever they decide to review all the options. LeaseUp’s platform gives Corbin “the least resistance” in uploading information and making it viewable for his clients.

“It really just helps them pick their favorites and decide, ‘I want to tour these options’... You have to make it as easy as possible for people to view it.”

A modern CRE transaction experience

CRE is lacking in some sectors of advancement, and especially technology, says Corbin. There's a bigger technology gap in CRE than in other industries. He uses residential real estate to illustrate his point: “Clients want to see dots on a map. They want to click on options, because that's what they're used to when they're looking at houses on Zillow or Redfin.”

With LeaseUp, Corbin creates polished deliverables that include all of the photos, floor plans, and data he needs. He’s able to create a modern experience for his clients that’s in line with what they’re already familiar with on other products and services they use in their lives. In the process, he’s able to get more deals done by cutting down on the time needed for client-side review.

Not a LeaseUp customer? Schedule a demo to see how LeaseUp can help you deliver a better service to your clients.