

August 10, 2022


3 Min.

How to seamlessly transition from market survey to tour

Without leaving LeaseUp, turn a survey into a sale

Off white background with a survey transitioning into a tour based on the UI of the product.
Off white background with a survey transitioning into a tour based on the UI of the product.
Article summary: LeaseUp simplifies the transition from market survey to tour, which can be done entirely within the platform. Brokers can gather client feedback upfront and easily share dynamic surveys. With LeaseUp, generating a tour book from a survey is effortless, and clients can leave real-time comments throughout the process.

One thing we hear from brokers all the time is how inefficient the process of getting a tenant from survey to signature can be. There are a lot of stakeholders and decision-makers involved. Tenant reps at big firms sometimes need to wait a day or more to get survey and tour materials from the marketing department. Boutique firms with one or two people doing the bulk of the work need time savings wherever they can find them.

The old way of making surveys in Excel and PowerPoint, sending them to the client, revising them based on the client’s feedback, then repeating the whole process to generate a tour book has gone out of date. CRE is missing the shift to digital and mobile that's occurring in virtually every other industry.

Using LeaseUp, brokers can get a client from survey, to site selection, to signature with nothing more than an easily shareable link. Here’s how to transition from a market survey to a tour without ever leaving LeaseUp.

Get client feedback up front

LeaseUp users create surveys by importing a CSV into a survey page, which automatically generates a shareable survey in a matter of minutes. Adding more details — like space or building photos and descriptions, floor plans, and flyers — gives the client all of the information they need to make early decisions on properties.

Any LeaseUp survey can be easily shared with a link that the client can view in any mobile or desktop browser. Rather than a PDF being passed around, this link is a dynamic market survey where clients can give quick Y/N feedback about the availabilities, and leave comments on buildings for their colleagues and broker to see.

Clients can quickly compare the survey data they care most about by easily switching between map and listing data within a survey on LeaseUp. Brokers can easily access client feedback on the same platform, and update LeaseUp on the fly as new options hit the market.

Use survey feedback to automatically generate a tour book

As a client narrows down the search, it’s easy to generate a tour book from the survey. Within LeaseUp, create a new survey for the tour. You can add buildings from the previous survey by address; when you do, you’ll have the option to copy building data from the previous survey to the new one, including attachments and spaces. After you add all the building data you need, you can generate a PDF tour book, or share it as a LeaseUp link.

From that link, clients can leave comments in real time on the tour, access the survey data they want to see, and toggle between map and table views — all in-browser, within LeaseUp.

Speed up the transaction from beginning to end to get more deals done

LeaseUp streamlines the whole transaction process, giving brokers a simple way to pivot from survey, to tour, to feedback collection without unnecessary roadblocks. CRE needs a modern transaction platform that provides brokers (and their clients) with a seamless digital experience. LeaseUp is filling that technological gap, and helping brokers get more deals done in the long run.

Schedule a demo to see how LeaseUp can help you transform the broker/client relationship.