Getting Started


No. 2

Add market data to a survey

A basic survey can be generated within a minute using our CSV importer or by adding building data manually

Dark green background with a LeaseUp survey page showing a grid of building cards on the left and a map with pins on the right.

Market data can be easily added to a survey in LeaseUp using a CSV file or by adding the data manually.

To create a survey, click the ‘Add Survey’ button on the project page. An empty survey will now show up on the project page.

To add data, click the survey card in the project and you’ll find an ‘Import CSV’ button where you can upload your CSV file.

After field matching and confirming which fields are building fields, your survey will be generated from the data in your CSV. From this view, you can edit the data further.  LeaseUp will automatically notify you if anything looks incompatible with our system. Once you’ve confirmed everything looks good, click import and your survey is built.

To add buildings manually, click the ‘Add Building’ button on the survey page and type in the address. Visit the building's page to add additional data (this is covered in the next step).

Next, let's look at how to add additional building details, photos, and attachments.